On February 23 2011,I asked the Sierra Leone parliament to withdraw their honour of Ghaddaffi due to present events happening in his country and the way he reacted on his own people.But to my dismay on reading an article on the AWOKO headlined "Speaker disregards Gaddafi's parliamentary honour"i realised the speaker of parliament justice Nathaniel Abel Stronge is deminising what happened on January 1,2009 in parliament,according to the article the speaker claimed it was just a proposal made by the former Majority Leader Hon. Eddie Turay of the ruling APC and the honour was not sacrosanct,although only the ones who are in favour of the honour was asked the former leader said the "ayes"have it.The speaker with the help of the chief of protocol pinned the small flag on Ghaddaffi's chest which was called the badge of the Sierra Leone parliament.No one question the validity of the honour on that day.Some days after that in an article on the AWARENESS TIMES "Leading Sierra Leone opposition figure blasts honouring of Gadhaffi"in which Hon.Bernadette Lahai question the legality of the honour and blasted President Earnest Koroma hypocrisy and double standard when he was on the opposition the way he chastised the ruling SLPP for their friendship with the dictator and even hosting him in Sierra Leone.
An article by THE NEW PEOPLE headlined "for Sierra Leone information minister British and Libyan aid are comparable" not only the information minister Mr. I B Kargbo acknowledged the Sierra Leone parliament did honour Ghaddaffi in contrary to the speaker but he endorse it,by saying "Mr. Ghaddaffi is a friend of Sierra Leone and because of his assistance on behalf of the people of libya to the people Sierra Leone,he was given an honorary position as member of the Sierra Leone parliament.Our honour to him and former British High Commissioner Peter Penfold who was also crowned paramount chief in Sierra Leone has demonstrated how friendly,tolerant and grateful we are as people.Two different stories for one event was Ghaddaffi honoured or not,the Speaker of Parliament Justice Nathaniel Abel Stronge versus the information minister Honourable Ibrahim Ben Kargbo who is right ?
An article by THE NEW PEOPLE headlined "for Sierra Leone information minister British and Libyan aid are comparable" not only the information minister Mr. I B Kargbo acknowledged the Sierra Leone parliament did honour Ghaddaffi in contrary to the speaker but he endorse it,by saying "Mr. Ghaddaffi is a friend of Sierra Leone and because of his assistance on behalf of the people of libya to the people Sierra Leone,he was given an honorary position as member of the Sierra Leone parliament.Our honour to him and former British High Commissioner Peter Penfold who was also crowned paramount chief in Sierra Leone has demonstrated how friendly,tolerant and grateful we are as people.Two different stories for one event was Ghaddaffi honoured or not,the Speaker of Parliament Justice Nathaniel Abel Stronge versus the information minister Honourable Ibrahim Ben Kargbo who is right ?
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