The road started on April 29,1992 when disgruntled army officers who were figthing a war with no man power and morale support when their so called leaders were partying in the capital whilst these brave Sierra Leoneans were dying in the bushes against a group called RUF headed by corporal Foday Saybana Sankoh, came down to Freetown and overthrew a hopeless APC government led by ceremonial military officer Joseph Saidu Momoh after he was handed power by Siaka Probyn Steven the architect of tribalism and one party rule in Sierra Leone.Siaka Steven ruled Sierra Leone with iron fist using his tribal security guards the ISU later SSD to intimidate,torture and even kill anyone they suspect are not in favour of their tactics or might be a force for change,they even arrest their own ministers who disagree with their policies and tag them with theft fearing the backlash from their own supporters,they have nicknames like PAS AH DIE...